2015 Book Reviews (January – June)


2015 Books

Here are my book reviews from January to June of 2015. I decided to break this year into two since I read a considerable amount in half a year (almost the same as ALL of 2014!) All reviews are spoiler free & I’ve given a small summary of the plots. I also have my own rating below each book. There are books I’ve read for uni & for leisure. I read more after my semester had ended since I was quite busy with college work. But anyway, enjoy!

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2014 Book Reviews

I decided to do a review of all the books I read in 2014 with a rating of each book. Note: there are spoilers throughout. I’m using my own rating system which is as follows:

10/10: Absolute classic/ Mind blowing/ life changing.

9/10: Amazing/ Superb.

8/10: Excellent/ Fantastic.

7/10: Great/ Enjoyable.

6/10: Good/ Solid.

5/10: Average/ Ok.

4/10: Disliked it.

3/10: Detested it.

2/10: Hated it with a passion.

1/10: Shouldn’t have been written/ Absolute Garbage.

I have included some novels I read University but excluded things like Anthologies. Although the list isn’t in order, you can find a full list of all the books I’ve read here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/27288351

Anyway, here are the books I read in 2014 by date:

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