Top 10 Scores of 2015

Counting down the best scores from 2015. It was a solid year for music from movies. We got epic action compositions, poignant dramatic arrangements as well as uplifting pieces. Enjoy these beautifully written scores.

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Best Scores of 2015 (Longlist)

I’ve collated some of the best scores of 2015. I haven’t listened to them in full (and there are some scores I’m sure I’ve missed) but these are some of strongest in my opinion. A few of them have a good chance of being in the run for an Oscar nomination. I’ve included some that I just liked as well. As we get nearer to the awards season, I’ll give my favourites as well as my predictions for Best Score. Anyway, have a listen to some of these:

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Top 16 Harry Potter Tracks

Christmas has just gone and over the holidays I watched all eight Harry Potter movies (as they were on TV). I was quite nostalgic watching the whole story arc over a couple of days, so I decided to pick my favourite tracks from the series. The list is based on nostalgic memories of the tracks and also how affecting they are. I tried really hard to whittle it down but of course there’s just so many good songs. I couldn’t even get it to a rounded 15 so you’re just going to have to listen to 16! The scores are quite nostalgic and moving. They’re incredibly made and I feel each composer brought something to each film. John Williams is a genius and for me his scores are really nostalgic and intricate. Patrick Doyle wasn’t around for a long time but he did create good tracks for the Triwizard Tournament. Nicholas Cooper & Alexandre Desplat were my favourites during the series, I really can’t decide who I liked more. Nicholas Cooper had such fun and upbeat tracks as well as being epic or emotional. Alexandre Desplat is a really serious composer for me. His sounds really have something I can’t quite describe. I wouldn’t say “adult,” as that’s a bit condescending, but more affecting and emotional I think. He just has these brilliant sounds. Obviously each composer has to play off the plot they’re given, but all did a really impressive job in applying music to the story. Anyway, here are the top 16 tracks for me:

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